Are you a Good Muslim?

 Are you a good Muslim? A checklist.

Allah has a significant impact upon my life.
I strive to be the bearer of enjoining the right/ honourable and forbidding the wrong/ dishonourable.
I realize that my daily activities are parts of ibadah.
I strive to make Prophet Muhammad s.a.w as the role model in my life.
Knowing that Allah is Just make me afraid to hurt others.
I look forward to prioritize the performance of obligatory rituals (obligatory ibadah) on time.
I strive to perform supererogatory rituals (recommended ibadah) even when I am busy.
Remembering Allah in my daily routine comforts/ soothes me.
I allocate time to contemplate the meaning of the verses in Al-Qur’an everyday.
I will give zakat and some of what I have as charity (sadaqah).
I avoid harmful food or drink.
I observe my etiquettes and good manners (adab) even when I am with my close circle of friends.
I am clear of my objectives in this life.
I prioritize the activities of my life according to the shariah.
I dedicate my life to worldly success and the Hereafter.
I examine newly learnt ideas from the perspective of Islam.
I think of myself as a Muslim who represents Islam in making decisions and actions.
I never blame others when things do not go the way I planned.
I avoid myself from gossiping about others.
I avoid wastage in any form.
I contribute to the community through obligatory zakat, sadaqah and waqf.
I allocate part of my time to help others.
My parents can rely on me since I am very kind to them.
I am aware of Quranic verses that promote etiquettes and good practices in marriage and married life.
I am a good/ prepare to be a good parent to my children while pursuing my own career.
I have the positive attributes to lead my family.
I help others with the abilities and resources that I have.
I avoid doing sinful activities.
I ensure that my wealth comes from Halal sources.
