15 th of Sha’ban: between the SALAF and the salafis

15 th of Sha’ban: between the SALAF and the salafis
Shaykhul Islam Ibn Tayymiya said:
’’The excellency regarding the 15th of Shabaan is an area of dispute between the Scholars, some of them say that there is no significance of this night, but Imam Ahmad recognises the excellency of this night, our other Hanbli Scholars also agree with Imam Ahmad. There are Ahadith on this night being significant, some of them are from Sunan (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah) and the other Ahadeeth books as well.’’ [Iqtidah Siratul Mustaqeem page 203 by Ibn Taymiyah]
Ibn-Taimiyyah rahimahullah was also asked about praying in the 15th night of Sha’ban. He replied:
وأما ليلة النصف فقد روى في فضلها أحاديث وآثار ونقل عن طائفة من السلف أنهم كانوا يصلون فيها، فصلاة الرجل فيها وحده قد تقدمه فيه سلف وله فيه حجة فلا ينكر مثل هذا
“As for the 15th night of Shabaan, there are many narrations and Athar (quotes from the Sahabah) regarding its virtue. It has been reported of the salaf that they prayed in this night. Therefore, praying alone on this night, having precedence in the salaf, is sufficient evidence and something of this kind surely cannot be denied. [Majmu’ al Fataawa, Volume No. 23, Page No. 132, (Riyadh: Dar ‘Alam al-Kutub, 1991)]
Ibn-Taimiyyah in another place was asked the same question and he replied: وسنل عن صلاة نصف شعبان فاجاب ازا صلئ الانسان ليلة النصف وحده اوفئ جماعته خاصته كما كان يفل جماعته خاصته كما كان يفعل طوانف من السلف فهواحسن
“ If one prays on this night alone or in a selected company of people- as many groups amongst the salaf did, “then it is better/excellent (fahuwa Ahsan) ”. [Majmu’ al Fataawa, Volume 23, Page 131,(Riyadh: Dar ‘Alam al-Kutub, 1991)]

The great muhaddith Imam Ibn al-Salah, said: ‘The middle night of Sha‘ban does have merit. To spend its night in acts of worship is recommended (mustahabb); but on an individual basis, not collectively.’ [al-Amr bi’l-Ittiba‘ wa’l-Nahy ‘an’l-Ibtida‘ (Riyadh: Dar Ibn al-Qayyim, 2001), 170.]

Al Hafidh Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali stated the following in Lataa’if Al-Ma’arif :
“Some of the tabi’een (followers of the prophetic companions) based in Shaam such as Khalid ibn Ma’dan, Mak’hul, and Luqman ibn ‘Amir would revere the 15th of Sha’ban by offering supererogatory prayers during the night – it is said that they were influenced byisra’eeliyyat (Judaic traditions). Gradually, this custom spread to many areas of the Muslim empire creating misunderstandings and differences of opinion amongst the people. Some accepted it, among whom were devout worshippers from Basra, but most of the scholars of the Hijaz rejected and condemned it such as ‘Ataa’ and lbn Abi Mulaika, as well as the scholars of Madinah such as Abd Al Rahman ibn Zayd and the Maliki school of law, all agreeing to it being an innovation.The scholars of Shaam differed as to how the 15th of Sha’ban should be distinguished. The first set preferred spending the night in the mosque collectively as being recommended. Amongst those who opined thus were Khalid ibn Ma’dan, Luqman ibn ‘Amir et al, all who would adorn themselves with special apparel for the occasion and hasten to the mosque where they would remain in worship throughout the night. Is’haq bin Rahaway’h endorsed such a practice and said that celebrating this night collectively in the mosque is not to be considered an innovation.The other set of scholars regarded marking the 15th of Sha’ban by collective prayer, story-telling and supplication as being disliked. However, Al Awza’i, the Imam, jurist and scholar of Syria opined that and it is not disliked for a person to pray at home individually; this is closest to the truth.”
Then Ibn Rajab gave concluding remarks saying: ‘Thus it befits a believer to devote himself in this night in dhikr of Allaah, exalted is He, and to ask Him to pardon one’s sins, conceal one’s faults and relieve his hardships. This should be preceded by offering sincere repentance. For Allaah, exalted is He, relents towards those who turn to Him in repentance.’’ [Lata’if al-Ma‘arif (Beirut: Dar Ibn Hazm & Mu’assasah al-Rayyan, 1996), 154.]

So now the question is no matter which opinion you follow or think to be the truth, can you call all others innovators?? how can one being a muqallid and totally ignorant about the sayings and differences between the salaf call everyone else not following their opinion as innovators? Is this mass tabdi’ and mass takfir in the name of salafism justified???
