The 7 Best Strength Exercises You're Not Doing

Less than 25 percent of Americans over the age of 45 engage in strength-trainingexercises,1 which are actually among the most important exercises to stay fit and healthy. It's a matter of fact that your muscle strength decreases with age… unless you do something to stop it.
That "something" is strength training. Without it, by the time you're in your 70s, your muscle strength and tone will have declined by roughly 25 percent from what you had in your mid-30s. You'll lose up to 50 percent once you approach your 90s.
Yet, gaining muscle strength is only one benefit of strength training. This form of exercise also helps prevent osteoporosis, improves your range of motion, and ability to perform functional (day-to-day) movements and even, when done properly, can act as a form of aerobic exercise and even help you lose weight.
The more muscle mass you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate. Unlike traditional cardio, strength training causes you to continue burning more calories for up to 72 hours after the exercise is over through a process known as afterburn.
Many are also not aware that strength training has been shown to slow cellular aging, helping you to live a longer, healthier life. It also increased BDNF brain derived neurotropic factor that helps you remember and learn better.

Strength Training Impacts 10 Biomarkers of Aging

Contrary to popular belief, strength training is not simply a matter of "bulking up." It can also achieve a number of beneficial changes on the molecular, enzymatic, hormonal, and chemical levels in your body, which will also help slow down (and many cases stop) many of the diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle.
One study showed that strength training in the elderly reversed oxidative stress and returned 179 genes to their youthful level. In other words, it genetically turned back the clock about 10 years. Further, this form of exercise is known to beneficially impact 10 biomarkers of aging, which are determinants of aging that you are capable of controlling. This includes:

Are You Missing Out on These 7 Phenomenal Strength Exercises?

There's more to strength training than bicep curls and leg extensions… seven of thebest strength-training exercises, recently reported by CNN,2 are actually among the least known and utilized.
If you're new to strength training, these exercises can form the basis of your muscle-building routine. If you're an avid strength trainer already, try these moves to reach higher levels of fitness and work your muscles in a different way.
1.Goblet Squat

2.Pallof Press

3.Dumbbell Row


5.Split Squat (Stationary Lunge)

6.Lateral Squat

7.Hip Extension (Glute Bridges/Hip Thrusts)

~Dr. Mercola
