Shaykh Uthaymin on Staying in Kafir Lands

Shaikh Ibn al-`Uthaymeen رحمه الله said:
❝As for residing in the lands of the unbelievers, then this is something very dangerous for the Muslims Religion, his character, behavior and manners.❞
📚 [Explanation of Three Fundamental Principles of Islaam, Translated by Abu Talha Dawood Burbank (May Allaah increase his status in the Jannah)]
Anyone who has read this book, and read the many points which Shaikh Ibn al-`Uthaymeen رحمه الله has mentioned about the dangers of residing with the Kuffaar will never be able to oppose them - except for the one who follows his desires. We see with our own very eyes how Islaam is being watered down by many in the West. Only those are protected whom Allaah has given shelter, and they are very few.
Everything is being made Halaal in the pretext of difference of opinion - allowing homosexuality, music and singing, birthday celebration, wishing the Kuffaar during their pagan festivals, trimming the beard, Isbaal (letting the garments to hang below the ankles), tight Hijaab and much more. Every aspect of the religion is being watered down by merely saying that there is difference of opinion.
