Conditions of Present Muslims and What to do

I admit, I get very concerned and disappointed seeing how a great many Muslims today are looking to justify haram, and they find "scholars" who will do that for them. Student loans (interest bearing) become ok, mortgages for homes are allowed due to (alleged) "necessity", music is fine, Halloween and a bunch of other festivals/holidays are permitted, hijab is a "choice", praying five times a day is a "choice" (as opposed to an absolute obligation, the abandonment of which puts a person on the edge; between being Muslim or not), zakah is burdensome and so paying taxes is sufficient, free intermingling between the genders is not at all problematic, the Sunnah is "only" a recommendation, and the list goes on. But while we see this phenomenon, I still do not lose hope as the many questions from sincere Muslims continue to pour in. Many who have just begun "practicing" ask about whether they have to make up prayers and fasts for the many years they were negligent, families ask about zakah on different kinds of property they own, youth ask about studying in mixed schools and how that should be handled, spouses ask about rights (they do not want to wrong one another and are willing to do what the sharee'ah dictates), men and women ask about repenting from listening to music, youth are concerned about whether or not they have wronged their parents, kids are worried because their dads have purchased a home on riba and they are living in that home and so forth. So, alhamdulillah, we see that there is indeed life in the ummah.
Honestly, the world seems to be spinning out of control. Right is seen as wrong, evil is seen as acceptable, purity is shunned and filth is promoted and people want to reinterpret Islam. I can totally see that from the non-Muslims perspective; they will oppose Islam as it is a way of life and certainly will cramp their style. But the problem is with us, the Muslims. As we settle in non-Muslim lands and the world becomes one little village (through the modern means of communication), our faith is most certainly affected. But many are blind to that reality. That is why we see so many of us actually questioning parts of the Sharee'ah. And the worst thing is that our new age "scholars", many of who are from the west, use their "homegrown" status to promote a "new Islam" which is more palatable to the non-Muslim world. The reality is that there is no need to reinterpret Islam for the times. What is essential is that we learn how to apply Islam as it should be applied. Allah has perfected it for us and there is no need to tamper with it. It is because we are not firm and tamper with it that we have the problems that we do.
We, the masses, must refer to the traditional scholars and ask in a respectful and clear manner. Shun the celebrities who merely want to entertain and get rich off our backs. It is high time we get serious about life; no more trying to please ourselves, let it be about pleasing Allah! Look, no one ever said life was gonna be easy and a cake walk. The harsh truth is that life is filled with tests and trials. The fact of the matter is that we are slaves (but we choose to be slaves to Allah or our desires and societies). The reality is that when we choose to do the right thing (ie, follow Islam closely), we will be opposed; c'mom, don't tell me you didn't know that?! Wake up call, folks; life ain't a cake walk, it ain't no bed of roses!
Look, we're all going to die, like those who preceded us. Have we thought about what those before us are in now? Have you and I stood over a grave and asked ourselves, what exactly is happening to the deceased as we lower them in their grave, cover them up with dirt, then walk away, leaving them all alone? Have we gone home, sat down and pondered what life in the grave is like? Have you and I considered how we will be raised up before Allah on the Day of Resurrection? Have we thought about the moment of truth; that time when Allah will question us? Do we honestly think we can get away with saying this is what our "shaykh" told us, while we, now, in our heart of hearts know something is wrong, but go fatwa shopping?! Remember, Allah knows even our innermost thoughts, so there is no escape; we are all responsible and accountable before Allah.

~Younus Kathrada
